Taking on Disney Solo

As an introvert, doing anything by myself gives me TONS of anxiety. So as you can imagine, deciding to take a trip to Walt Disney World by myself is not something that would be anywhere remotely near the top of my to-do list. Yet, somehow I found myself in that exact situation just under a year ago for my birthday. It didn’t start out as a solo trip, I had actually wanted to initially go with my family, but they just couldn’t make it work with their schedules. I had already had the trip booked prior to asking them, because I’m a planner and wanted to make sure I could get off of work. So when my family backed out, and I couldn’t find anyone to go with me, I had 2 choices. Stay in Wisconsin for my birthday, where the weather is SUPER unpredictable that time of year, or keep my trip and push myself out of my comfort zone. I chose the latter, and I had the BEST time.

Very quickly on in my trip, I decided that I wanted to try something I had never experienced. There is SO much to do at Disney, and when I go with my family we tend to just focus on the rollercoasters. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but the rollercoasters really just scratch the surface of all the wonderful things Disney has to offer.

Day 2: Animal Kingdom

  • Drew Dumbo at the Animation Experience

  • Experimented with lunch over at Satuli Canteen

  • Transformed into an Honorary Bug at It’s Tough to be a Bug


Day 4: Hollywood Studios

  • Got evacuated off Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway

  • Watched Mickey and Minnie Shorts

  • Visited the infamous Potatoland

  • Watched the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular

  • Enjoyed dinner at 50’s Prime Time Cafe

  • Experienced Fantasmic front row


Day 6: EPCOT

  • Rode Guardian’s of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind

  • Experienced Turtle Talk with Crush

  • Played with butterflies in the Butterfly landing

  • Completed the Flower and Garden Festival Passport

  • Joined the Beauty and the Beast Sing-a-Long

  • Walked through Journey of Water

  • Ate around the World

  • Watched Luminous, the Symphony of Us


Day 1: Magic Kingdom

  • First person to Magic Kingdom

  • Only person on the bus to the park in the morning

  • Rode TRON

    Experienced the Enchanted Tiki Room


Day 3: Rest Day

  • Resort Hopped

  • Walked from Epcot to Hollywood Studios

  • Checked out the Boardwalk

  • Had lunch at Beaches and Cream

  • Tried (and loved) the Beignets over at Port Orleans French Quarter


Day 5: Rest Day

  • Went on a Starlight Safari at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge


Day 7: Magic Kingdom

  • Learned about the history of Walt Disney World in the Key’s to the Kingdom Tour

  • Didn’t ride a single ride the whole day

  • Hiked Tom Sawyers Adventure Island

  • Stood front row for Happily Ever After

As you can see, I had a pretty busy trip. Each day I only challenged myself to one new thing, but most days I was able to easily surpass that, and each of these things are things that I never would’ve gotten to do if my family had joined me as originally planned. So if you have a list of things on your Disney to-do list, that your friends or family aren’t interested in, I definitely recommend taking the leap and doing a solo trip. You get to do whatever you want, on your time table, and it pulls you out of your comfort zone in ways you can’t even imagine.


4 Parks - 1 Day


My First Disney Trip